$50 in 1952 would be about $600 in 2025. I actually have a Lane Cedar Chest from the 1940s thats pretty similar to the one pictured middle bottom.
consequences may prove fatal
common trope now, but new information to many in 1918
serve it piping hot
$13 = $230 in 2025 dollars.
the favorite dessert of a million people
supreme in tone
that costs $2000 in 2025 dollars!
do you dream of love or gold, or of friendship, of foes, or of life or death?
read what scientists and doctors have to say
one of his legs is longer than it really ought to be
educational facts for everybody
happy new year!
the best places serve the best
does not affect the heart
old time plantation flavor
thats why doctor prescibe them
so mysterious, so uncanny
swing into the saddle
intended by nature
watch the blg robust fellow swing down the street
whose daughter would?
depths of deepness
i’ll ask bob
successful happy lives
the victorian horror of the unclothed
attract and lure cowgirls
simple corrections
ideal love
a new concept of merchandising
most valuable movie dog
this photograph … surely needs no explanation
his wife worries
drink – my frankenstein
mighty, pulsating, throbbing power
newly invented machine
concealed skaters
make dull moments delighful
they only cost a trifle
engagement broken

into the ditch

wavy lines

mouth happy

FAO Schwarz Catalog 1911

a person who lived for years on tea and crackers, eats bacon, cabbage and turnips

accidental injury

the most practical

truly fine writing

call by number

zestfully seasoned

Theyve been making deviled ham since 1868! who knew?
Too many dissenting scientists…


dante’s inferno

fashion ideas

actually and literally

don’t offend

slick as a whistle

each sip tastes swell

no shock. no strain

doomed to die

her passion had so enslaved me

meaty rich tasty pard

i wont be guilty of b.o. again

never again fear any man

before it reaches your set

yes, dear

1000 concrete blocks a day

men love mushrooms

the greatest slide show on earth


how many communists in your state?

wonderful new invention

spicy, painful, joys

charlie weaver’s early gig

Cliff Arquette aka comedian Charlie Weaver of Hollywood Squares fame, was Rosanna, David and Patricia Arquette’s grandpa
how to collect stamps

amaze everyone

home movies

wonder animals

beer belongs

big profits

gay love

he’s only a child

what a man

prefect voice


yeast eater

homes of tomorrow

chicken sand-witch

sweet gwendoline

george catlin

Starting in the 1820s, George Catlin (1796-1872) dedicated himself to paint and record American Indians and their customs before what he was convinced would be their imminent destruction. The first professional painter to go West, Catlin sketched members of many Indian tribes, including the Sioux, Osage, and Comanche, and was the only artist to draw portraits of several tribes that would soon be extinct. His Letters and Notes on the North American Indians, first published in 1841, is a classic study of the traditions of these great peoples.
Soon after Catlin’s death, his remains were brought to Green-Wood for interment in the lot of his in-laws, the Gregorys, They had made the gravestone of Catlin’s wife (and their daughter) Clara the centerpiece of their lot. But they had long been unhappy with George and interred him at the back of their lot. It wasnt until 1961, almost a century after his death, that a simple gravestone was placed to mark the final resting place of the man whom many credit as the father of the art of the American West
eileen, the office vamp

a woman’s needs

torrid tomes!